Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tortuga~October 17th

Twas upon low tide that Red Banshee, powder monkey Sam and I met the good Jolly Roger upon the dock in Saint Helens. Once we had our accouterments piled in the dingy, we set our sights for Tortuga. We beached ourselves upon the eastern shore, off loaded and began to pack our gear inwards to the center of the Isle. Picking a goodly spot, we set up our camp...only to find Red Banshee had forgotten our best tent. Luckily, I had the foresight to pack the trusty old tent along for just such an emergency (although it is known to leak like a sieve).

Once the tent was up and tarp covered, we sent powder monkey Sam to do a wee bit of reconoitering. He returned with tales of young deer and quail and strange fungi...

Meanwhile, while Red Banshee and I finished setting up our camp...we were hailed by Miss Terri and Hard Tack, of whom ye will hear more soon. We made introductions all around and shared some not so small talk, seems Miss Terri has twin cannons and black powder for sharing round. Several pistols also were boasted of and we set a time for the firing thereof. Four of the clock, we would be gathering on the hillside overlooking the gathering of ships grand and meek.

Miss Terri and Roger prep the guns...


The satisfaction of a job well done...
More of the grand adventure tomorrow.


Quartermaster James said...

More! More! I'm still not satisfied! What happened next?

Kate the Cursed said...

Patience is a virtue...

ArrRoger Jolie said...

Have uploaded 72(at present) images for a slideshow at


Give credit where due but pyrate away sez Arr.

Kate the Cursed said...


I have swiped the photos pertaining to Totuga and PoP and will get the up this eveing.