Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Inaugural post


It seems I was a wee bit presumptuous in anticipating the sobriety of those who attended the festivities at Topknot and Ruby’s on Sunday last. I had sent a pigeon or two around to gather the compliments and Huzzahs one would think they were due for hosting such a soiree. Now, granted, a good many of the brethren are not noted for their reading and writing abilities, but surely the gendarme guardin’ their cell could put pen to paper for them. Or perhaps they still haven’t sobered up…

No matter…

I was in attendance, and drank my fill of Molly’s Mai Tai’s and will be wheedlin’ the receipt out of her for postin’ to this very spot. So keep a weather eye out for that in the near future. The good Quartermaster was also in attendance and relieved both Molly and I of not a few coins during a rousing spot of Captain Morgan’s Revenge. There were also some small bouts of Shut the Box with Randy Rackham and Crimson Gypsy.

I bespoke the good Jolly Roger and his wench Candy…they bore witness of a sportin’ event somewhat to the south. We did also converse on the coming raid of Tortuga, where you will find this pirate taking notes and gathering photographic evidence of the nefarious doings and the grand opening of Topknot’s Tortuga Tavern. A not to be missed event!

I know there were those in attendance that have visual confirmations of the scoundrels and wastrels who partook of the victuals provided and as soon as I can acquire them, I shall be posting them for the edification of all.

Kate the Cursed
Scurrilous Sea Wench
Somewhere in Cascadia

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