Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tortuga~3rd friday & October 18th

Coffee Pirate and her aide d'camp disembarked around dark with a preternaturally large amount of gear. (You will live this down in about 10 years) After much gnashing of teeth and muttered swearing...we beat a tactical retreat to the Rolin for 3rd Friday festivities. Coffee's aide stayed back to finish making camp. We sat ourselves dockside and accosted the local river folk while sipping our favorite tipple. Blackstrap for those of ye who do not ken.

Unfortunately, come the morning light, Coffee Pirate was deemed too ill to continue and we made haste to break camp and get them on their way so she might get doctored. I received a Pigeon, Monday morn with news of her greatly recovered. There are still some squalls to be weathered her way, but she was feeling almost ship shape and was sure she would be well and attending 1st Friday.

Lord Rafe and Lady Ophelia arrived to spend the day, and glad were we of their help in the building of the soon to be infamous Tavern...but I get ahead of meself...
Miss Terri brought us a pot of Squash soup, which I have been promised a receipt of for the sharin' around. Alas, we had little in the way of genteel trappings and so had to make do with the old dip and lick demonstrated by Crimson Gypsy.

Speaking of Crimson Gypsy...she had brought a new tent...quite palatial in size, I caught her and Ann Rackham in setting it up.

Randy Rackham and Evelyn Rose arrived with Topknot and Ruby upon the Sea Squirrel, we made haste to unload and carry all necessities ashore for the building of the Tavern...but, that is tomorrows tale...

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