Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tortuga~October 18th~The Tavern

The building of the Tavern...

We need to rethink this...

Lord Rafe and Red Banshee(in stealth pirate mode) grommeting the canvas...

Powder monkeys digging post holes...they have the right sized hands and arms for measuring...

The canvas being set...

Lord Rafe snarls prettily for posterity while Topknot ponders the next step...

Topknot and Lord Rafe anchoring the front edge of the Tavern...

Setting up the 'Bar'

The hard part is done and the decorating begins!

Artwork, wanted poster, and fish bones lend an air of 'something'...

Wherein candles are lit and finishing touches are added by Roger and his wench Candy.

Pirates of Portlandia...we're everywhere you want to be...

Roger tying a final knot...

Piratical Fire starting techniques...

By this time it is too dark for more visuals, Topknots Tortuga Tavern was a hit with everyone. The bar was a 'take something from here and leave something in here' sort...don't know what the finale tally was, but it hopefully helped to replenish the rum. Coffee Pirate had left a full bottle of Blackstrap and the makings of grog. There was a Rum basted ham and sausage links donated by the nicest pair of Pirates I have ever had the privilege to know (Bob and Marsha, I forgot your Pirate monikers, forgive this senile old woman).

Much fun was had around the fire, we sang a bit, drank lot's and laughed much. Be sure to congratulate Topknot when you see him next...and asked him if he has 'toasted' his other boot yet...

Best line of the weekend goes to Crimson Gypsy, said during the Smores session of the fire...."Don't Harsh your Mallow"

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