Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beach Cleanup~Pirate style

We Pirates lend style and panache to every event, but some are more deserving of our presence than others. We did this back in the spring of 2007 and had a grand time. (see photos below)

When: March 28th 2009, 10am – 1pm

Where: TBD (we tend to work the beaches around Depoe Bay)

Who: You!!

Details: You may come down for the clean up or for the week end. We rent a house at Bella Beach (3 miles N of Depoe Bay) for Friday and Saturday nights for those who wish to indulge in a bit of grub, grog and hot tubbing after. Cost for the house is $65.00 per person, this covers BOTH nights, you also need to BYOB and add to the communal galley. Day trippers are welcome to join us for lunch after the clean up.

Drop me a message in a bottle or send a pigeon aloft if interested. More information as we get closer to the event date.

New link in Ports of Call

Ahoy! I've added a link to 2 Turtlz Studio, a venture operated by my friend and coworker Dave Manuel and his wife. Dave's pirate friendly and is working on a number of pirate leatherworking projects, including a great new baldric design (not yet available) that I've been helping him R&D. Not a lot of piratical stuff there yet, but keep an eye on this site, as his work is beautiful and there will be lots more leather listed in the future.


Friday, October 24, 2008

1776 Punch

At the Tavern I mentioned a drink that's served at Annapolis called
"1776 Punch". It's a pretty authentic naval/pirate drink recipe -
sweetened grog, really. Here's the recipe:

four parts dark rum, two parts lime juice, one part maple syrup, and a
small amount of grenadine"


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tortuga~October 18th~The Tavern

The building of the Tavern...

We need to rethink this...

Lord Rafe and Red Banshee(in stealth pirate mode) grommeting the canvas...

Powder monkeys digging post holes...they have the right sized hands and arms for measuring...

The canvas being set...

Lord Rafe snarls prettily for posterity while Topknot ponders the next step...

Topknot and Lord Rafe anchoring the front edge of the Tavern...

Setting up the 'Bar'

The hard part is done and the decorating begins!

Artwork, wanted poster, and fish bones lend an air of 'something'...

Wherein candles are lit and finishing touches are added by Roger and his wench Candy.

Pirates of Portlandia...we're everywhere you want to be...

Roger tying a final knot...

Piratical Fire starting techniques...

By this time it is too dark for more visuals, Topknots Tortuga Tavern was a hit with everyone. The bar was a 'take something from here and leave something in here' sort...don't know what the finale tally was, but it hopefully helped to replenish the rum. Coffee Pirate had left a full bottle of Blackstrap and the makings of grog. There was a Rum basted ham and sausage links donated by the nicest pair of Pirates I have ever had the privilege to know (Bob and Marsha, I forgot your Pirate monikers, forgive this senile old woman).

Much fun was had around the fire, we sang a bit, drank lot's and laughed much. Be sure to congratulate Topknot when you see him next...and asked him if he has 'toasted' his other boot yet...

Best line of the weekend goes to Crimson Gypsy, said during the Smores session of the fire...."Don't Harsh your Mallow"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tortuga~3rd friday & October 18th

Coffee Pirate and her aide d'camp disembarked around dark with a preternaturally large amount of gear. (You will live this down in about 10 years) After much gnashing of teeth and muttered swearing...we beat a tactical retreat to the Rolin for 3rd Friday festivities. Coffee's aide stayed back to finish making camp. We sat ourselves dockside and accosted the local river folk while sipping our favorite tipple. Blackstrap for those of ye who do not ken.

Unfortunately, come the morning light, Coffee Pirate was deemed too ill to continue and we made haste to break camp and get them on their way so she might get doctored. I received a Pigeon, Monday morn with news of her greatly recovered. There are still some squalls to be weathered her way, but she was feeling almost ship shape and was sure she would be well and attending 1st Friday.

Lord Rafe and Lady Ophelia arrived to spend the day, and glad were we of their help in the building of the soon to be infamous Tavern...but I get ahead of meself...
Miss Terri brought us a pot of Squash soup, which I have been promised a receipt of for the sharin' around. Alas, we had little in the way of genteel trappings and so had to make do with the old dip and lick demonstrated by Crimson Gypsy.

Speaking of Crimson Gypsy...she had brought a new tent...quite palatial in size, I caught her and Ann Rackham in setting it up.

Randy Rackham and Evelyn Rose arrived with Topknot and Ruby upon the Sea Squirrel, we made haste to unload and carry all necessities ashore for the building of the Tavern...but, that is tomorrows tale...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tortuga~October 17th

Twas upon low tide that Red Banshee, powder monkey Sam and I met the good Jolly Roger upon the dock in Saint Helens. Once we had our accouterments piled in the dingy, we set our sights for Tortuga. We beached ourselves upon the eastern shore, off loaded and began to pack our gear inwards to the center of the Isle. Picking a goodly spot, we set up our camp...only to find Red Banshee had forgotten our best tent. Luckily, I had the foresight to pack the trusty old tent along for just such an emergency (although it is known to leak like a sieve).

Once the tent was up and tarp covered, we sent powder monkey Sam to do a wee bit of reconoitering. He returned with tales of young deer and quail and strange fungi...

Meanwhile, while Red Banshee and I finished setting up our camp...we were hailed by Miss Terri and Hard Tack, of whom ye will hear more soon. We made introductions all around and shared some not so small talk, seems Miss Terri has twin cannons and black powder for sharing round. Several pistols also were boasted of and we set a time for the firing thereof. Four of the clock, we would be gathering on the hillside overlooking the gathering of ships grand and meek.

Miss Terri and Roger prep the guns...


The satisfaction of a job well done...
More of the grand adventure tomorrow.

Post Inaugural Post

Ahoy! And three cheers to Kate for launching this here bloggy thingy! Job well done lass! Well done indeed!

Now, for those of us who had to sail far distant waters whilst the brethren were revelin', let's hear those torrid tales of Tortuga and its togas!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Inaugural post


It seems I was a wee bit presumptuous in anticipating the sobriety of those who attended the festivities at Topknot and Ruby’s on Sunday last. I had sent a pigeon or two around to gather the compliments and Huzzahs one would think they were due for hosting such a soiree. Now, granted, a good many of the brethren are not noted for their reading and writing abilities, but surely the gendarme guardin’ their cell could put pen to paper for them. Or perhaps they still haven’t sobered up…

No matter…

I was in attendance, and drank my fill of Molly’s Mai Tai’s and will be wheedlin’ the receipt out of her for postin’ to this very spot. So keep a weather eye out for that in the near future. The good Quartermaster was also in attendance and relieved both Molly and I of not a few coins during a rousing spot of Captain Morgan’s Revenge. There were also some small bouts of Shut the Box with Randy Rackham and Crimson Gypsy.

I bespoke the good Jolly Roger and his wench Candy…they bore witness of a sportin’ event somewhat to the south. We did also converse on the coming raid of Tortuga, where you will find this pirate taking notes and gathering photographic evidence of the nefarious doings and the grand opening of Topknot’s Tortuga Tavern. A not to be missed event!

I know there were those in attendance that have visual confirmations of the scoundrels and wastrels who partook of the victuals provided and as soon as I can acquire them, I shall be posting them for the edification of all.

Kate the Cursed
Scurrilous Sea Wench
Somewhere in Cascadia