Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calling all Scallywags!

It's that time of the year again (no, not barnacle scraping time), It's time for Pirate Caroling!

My secret contact inside the Providence Childrens Center has given me a date and time for us to come and warble, howl and otherwise aurally attack their hearing. So make space, juggle schedules and commit to joining us on the 22nd of December at 3pm. We will be doing the roving song fest from team to team, we sing 4 or 5 songs and move to the next one and repeat. There are 3 teams and we usually take an hour or less to be in and out. In the past, we have then repaired to some outlet for grub and grog.

Send up a pigeon or a message in a bottle if ye are interested in joining us.

Check out the fun we have had in previous years below...

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